HRTC Competitive Hunter class

This course is crafted for hunters, employing proven precision rifle match techniques to blend education with enjoyment. Spanning two days, and at least five different shooting ranges on the property, the Comp Hunter course is more of an experience than a simple class. Participants kick off the experience by refining the fundamentals of marksmanship. Subsequent topics include basic ballistics, ballistics solvers, bullet construction, barrel cleaning philosophies, basic positional shooting, workflow, wind, moving targets, medium and long-range shooting, and much more.
Beyond enhancing shooting skills and knowledge, the course aims to spotlight under-trained aspects of marksmanship in realistic hunting scenarios. This helps participants understand their individual limits, build on those limits with our instruction, and set realistic expectations. While there are universal shooting fundamentals, the personal nature of shooting is accentuated by variables such as experience, natural aptitude, gear selection, rifle setup, and caliber choice.
The course delves into the significance of bullet selection in hunting. Students have a chance to shoot their bullets into ballistics gel, providing a visual of how different bullet types perform when impacting game animals. This insight helps hunters make informed decisions based on their hunting styles and environments.
The course concludes with a walk through of a portion of the HRTC range, where participants are challenged to seek out and engage realistic game animal shaped targets. Scenarios range from a wary whitetail at 200 yards with a limited time window to shoot, to a Bighorn Sheep at 600 yards across a windy canyon. Don't forget to scan the distant ridgeline, you never know what opportunities might present themselves. Only hits to the steel vital areas count in this friendly competition, where meeting time limits from pre-determined shooting positions simulates the stress hunters face during that crucial shot on a trophy animal.
This two-day course is packed with valuable content, as HRTC owners and instructors recognize the importance of maximizing the value for participants. To get all instruction in, lunch is eaten on the mountain while on the move both days. Despite being on a fairly strict time schedule, the atmosphere of these courses is light-hearted, with plenty of opportunities for sidebar conversations, storytelling, and lots of laughs.
Our ultimate goal is to see hunters succeed in various conditions, ensuring clean and quick harvests of the animals they pursue.
2 day course, 20 hrs
Required equipment:
200 rounds of ammunition (preferably your hunting ammunition)
Rifle capable of 1 MOA groups or better
Rifle scope with dialable turrets (MRAD or MOA)
Ballistic solver phone app (we prefer Applied Ballistics but there are many free options like Hornady 4DOF)
Binoculars or spotting scope
Hunting style pack
Ear and eye protection
Sunscreen/bug spray
Rifle or optic mounted bubble level
Rear shooting bag (We have loaners if needed)
Shooting tripod (We have loaners if needed)
Weather appropriate clothing (cold weather/rain gear)
Shooting mat
Snack food